Bipolar Transistor



Transistor Type
Max. Collector Current

mA  –  mA

  • 100mA
  • 16000mA

V  –  V

  • 25V
  • 140V
Manufacturer (1)

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals changes the current flowing through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output) power can be higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. Today, some transistors are packaged individually, but many more are found embedded in integrated circuits.

Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, CDIL, BC212, 0.001kg, China, PNP, Max. Collector Current: 100mA, Max. VCEO: 50V
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Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, CDIL, BC108B, 0.001kg, China, NPN, Max. Collector Current: 200mA, Max. VCEO: 25V
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Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, CDIL, BC109C, 0.001kg, China, NPN, Max. Collector Current: 200mA, Max. VCEO: 25V
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Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, CDIL, 2N4033, 0.001055kg, China, PNP, Max. Collector Current: 1000mA, Max. VCEO: 80V
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Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, CDIL, T2N3055, 0.001kg, India, NPN, Max. Collector Current: 15000mA, Max. VCEO: 60V
In Stock
Ships in 24 Hours

Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, CDIL, BD139, 0.001kg, China, NPN, Max. Collector Current: 3000mA, Max. VCEO: 80V
In Stock
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Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, CDIL, T2N3773, 0.001kg, India, NPN, Max. Collector Current: 16000mA, Max. VCEO: 140V
In Stock
Ships in 24 Hours