Micro:bit Add-ons



Micro:Bit Compatible
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V1, V2, Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, PIMORONI, PPMB00111, 0.031kg, UK
This is a Simon:Says board for the micro:bit . With this board you can create your own Simon Says game by programming the micro:bit.
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V1, V2, Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, PIMORONI, PIM371, 0.024kg, China
Control and monitor your world with automation:bit! It's tolerant of up to 24V, with analog and digital inputs, outputs, and a relay, so it's ideal for...
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V1, V2, Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, PIMORONI, PIM356, 0.03kg, China
Make your   micro:bit  sing with noise:bit! It's a tiny speaker that packs a fair bit of punch, and it's perfect for BLEEPS and BLOOPS! Just slot in...
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V1, V2, Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, PIMORONI, PIM352, 0.01kg, UK
pin:bit breaks out all of the useful pins from your micro:bit into breadboard format while providing handy-dandy labels to make your builds go smoothly....
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V1, V2, Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, PIMORONI, PIM355, 0.01kg, UK
Sense the world around you with enviro:bit! It's loaded with sensors for air and weather, colour and light, and sound, and slots right onto your...
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V1, V2, Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, PIMORONI, PIM401, 0.016kg, UK
Six handy touch-sensitive buttons and LEDs for your   micro:bit . Use touch:bit as a controller for games on micro:bit's LED matrix, or combine it with the...
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