Arduino MKR ZERO

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Το MKR ZERO σάς προσφέρει τη δύναμη ενός Zero στη μικρότερη μορφή που καθορίζεται από τον παράγοντα μορφής MKR. Η πλακέτα MKR ZERO λειτουργεί ως ένα εξαιρετικό εκπαιδευτικό εργαλείο για την εκμάθηση της ανάπτυξης εφαρμογών 32-bit. Διαθέτει ενσωματωμένη υποδοχή SD με αποκλειστικές διεπαφές SPI (SPI1) που σας επιτρέπουν να παίζετε με αρχεία MUSIC χωρίς επιπλέον υλικό! Η πλακέτα τροφοδοτείται από το SAMD21 MCU της Atmel, το οποίο διαθέτει πυρήνα ARM Cortex® M0+ 32-bit.

Η πλακέτα περιέχει όλα όσα χρειάζονται για την υποστήριξη του μικροελεγκτή, απλώς συνδέστε τον σε υπολογιστή με καλώδιο micro-USB ή τροφοδοτήστε το με μπαταρία LiPo. Η τάση της μπαταρίας μπορεί επίσης να παρακολουθείται αφού υπάρχει σύνδεση μεταξύ της μπαταρίας και του αναλογικού μετατροπέα της πλακέτας.


  • Σε αντίθεση με τις περισσότερες πλακέτς Arduino & Genuino, το MKRZero τρέχει στα 3.3V. Η μέγιστη τάση που μπορούν να ανεχθούν οι ακροδέκτες I/O είναι 3.3V. Η εφαρμογή τάσεων υψηλότερων από 3.3V σε οποιονδήποτε ακροδέκτη I/O ενδέχεται να προκαλέσει ζημιά στην πλακέτα.
  • ΜΗΝ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΕΤΕ στο αρσενικό βύσμα JST που υπάρχει στην πλακέτα οτιδήποτε άλλο εκτός από μια μπαταρία Li-Po των οποίων τα χαρακτηριστικά είναι συμβατά με αυτά που αναφέρονται παραπάνω. Σας παρακαλούμε ΜΗΝ ΤΡΟΦΟΔΟΤΗΣΕΤΕ ΤΟ VIN με περισσότερα από 5V.

  • Analog Output Pins: 1 (DAC 10 bit)
  • External Interrupts: 8 (0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, A1 -or 16-, A2 - or 17)
  • UART: 1
  • SPI: 1
  • I2C: 1
  • Supported Battery: Li-Po single cell, 3.7V, 700mAh minimum
  • Full-Speed USB Device and embedded Host
  • Flash Memory for Bootloader: 8 KB
  • EEPROM: no

On-board SD

The on- board SD connector allows you to play with files without adding any extra hardware to the board. Furthermore SD card is driven by a dedicated SPI interface (SPI1) and so any of the pins of the header is busy during SD usage. The SD library automatically recognizes the MKR ZERO and so any modification to the sketch is needed to use it aprat from choosing the right SS pin (SDCARD_SS_PIN). 

Battery capacity 

Li-Po batteries are charged up to 4,2V with a current that is usually half of the nominal capacity (C/2). For Arduino MKR ZERO we use a specialized chip that has a preset charging current of 350mAh. This means that the MINIMUM capacity of the Li-Po battery should be 700 mAh. Smaller cells will be damaged by this current and may overheat, develop internal gasses and explode, setting on fire the surroundings. We strongly recommend that you select a Li-Po battery of at least 700mAh capacity. A bigger cell will take more time to charge, but won't be harmed or overheated. The chip is programmed with 4 hours of charging time, then it goes into automatic sleep mode. This will limit the amount of charge to max 1400 mAh per charging round. 

Battery connector 

If you want to connect a battery to your MKRZero be sure to search one with female 2 pin JST PHR2 Type connector.  Polarity : looking at the board connector pins, polarity is Left = Positive, Right = GND  Connector datasheet  On the MKRZero, connector is a Male 2pin JST PH Type 

Additional I2C Port 

The MKRZero has an additional connector meant as an extension of the I2C bus. It's a small form factor 5-pin connector with 1.0mm pitch. The mechanical details of the connector can be found in the connector datasheet.  The I2C port in addition to the SDA and SCL signals includes the GND and +5V power rails and a digital pin that might be useful when designing an expansion.  The pinout is shown in the following image:  


This pin can be used to power the board with a regulated 5V source. If the power is fed through this pin, the USB power source is disconnected. This is the only way you can supply 5v (range is 5V to maximum 6V) to the board not using USB. This pin is an INPUT. 


This pin outputs 5V from the the board when powered from the USB connector or from the VIN pin of the board. It is unregulated and the voltage is taken directly from the inputs. As an OUTPUT, it should not be used as an input pin to power the board. 


This pin outputs 3.3V through the on-board voltage regulator. This voltage is the same regardless the power source used (USB, Vin and Battery). 


This LED is connected to the 5V input from either USB or VIN. It is not connected to the battery power. This means that it lits up when power is from USB or VIN, but stays off when the board is running on battery power. This maximizes the usage of the energy stored in the battery. It is therefore normal to have the board properly running on battery power without the LED ON being lit. 


The CHARGE LED on the board is driven by the charger chip that monitors the current drawn by the Li-Po battery while charging. Usually it will lit up when the board gets 5V from VIN or USB and the chip starts charging the Li-Po battery connected to the JST connector.  There are several occasions where this LED will start to blink at a frequency of about 2Hz. This flashing is caused by the following conditions maintained for a long time (from 20 to 70 minutes): - No battery is connected to JST connector.  - Overdischarged/damaged battery is connected. It can't be recharged.  - A fully charged battery is put through another unnecessary charging cycle. This is done disconnecting and reconnecting either VIN or the battery itself while VIN is connected. 

Onboard LED 

On MKR ZERO the onboard LED is connected to a dedicated pin (32) and not to 13 as on other boards. It is so suggested to use the LED_BUILTIN define.


Part Number
12 Μήνες Εγγύηση Κατασκευαστή
Καθ. Βάρος
Arduino MKR
Arduino Making
SAMD21 Cortex-M0+ 32bit low power ARM MCU
Τάση λειτουργίας
Τάση εισόδου
Ψηφιακά I/O Pins
Αναλογικές εισόδους
7 (ADC 8/10/12 bit)
PWM εισόδους
12 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, A3 - or 18 -, A4 -or 19)
DC Ρεύμα ανά I/O Pin
DC Ρεύμα για 3.3V Pin
Μνήμη Flash
256 KB
Ram Memory
Ταχύτητα (Clock Speed)
32.768 kHz (RTC), 48 MHz
Βρες Παρόμοια
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