Gravity Data Acquisition Module Kit

CompanyDFRobot Part NumberEDU0170
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The Science Experiments Data Acquisition Module Kit is a versatile toolkit for conducting rapid digital scientific exploration experiments. Whether you are a STEM educator or a curious student interested in scientific exploration, you can utilize this toolkit to delve into various aspects of the surrounding environment, such as plant growth conditions and temperature and humidity data in smart homes.


Key Features

  • No programming required
  • No need for scientific data conversion
  • No prerequisite knowledge of hardware electronics
  • Plug-and-play functionality for easy data reading and analysis


What is the Gravity: Science Data Acquisition (SCI DAQ) Module?

The Gravity: Science Data Acquisition (SCI DAQ) Module is a powerful and highly integrated data acquisition module that incorporates features such as screen display, automatic sensor recognition, sensor calibration, data logging, RTC clock, and data conversion to make data acquisition more convenient and efficient. In addition, the SCI DAQ module has versatile power options and can output physical quantity data collected by sensors through an I2C interface, compatible with micro:bit, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, UNIHIKER, etc.

Gravity: Science Data Acquisition (SCI DAQ) Module

Figure: Gravity: Science Data Acquisition (SCI DAQ) Module


Science Experiments

The course "Science Experiments with SCI DAQ Module Kit" aims to teach how to conduct scientific experiments using SCI modules without the need for coding. The course covers a wide range of scientific topics, including physical science, biological science, and environmental science.


Experimentation Process

Background Introduction -> Hardware Tools Presentation -> Experimental Operations -> Data Recording -> Conclusion

Through the process of conducting experiments, you will learn how to utilize SCI modules and sensors to measure various environmental properties, such as conductivity, soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and air quality. Additionally, you will learn how to analyze the data collected by the sensors and draw conclusions based on the data.

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