Motor Drivers



Driver Type
Max. Current / Channel

A  –  A

  • 2A
  • 2.2A
Manufacturer (1)

A motor driver is a little current amplifier; the function of motor drivers is to take a low-current control signal and then turn it into a higher-current signal that can drive a motor. There are many different kinds of motor drivers. Has a full programmable motor driver selection from several chip manufacturers that can be used for a motor driver IC (integrated circuit), bipolar stepper motor driver, H bridge motor driver, servo motor driver, DC motor driver, brushless motor driver or for any circuit that may require a motor driver.

Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, BIQU, 0.004kg, China, Stepper, Max. Current per Channel: 2A
This product is a carrier board or breakout board for Allegro’s A4988 DMOS Microstepping Driver with Translator and Overcurrent Protection.
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Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, BIQU, DRV8825, 0.004kg, China, Stepper, Max. Current per Channel: 2.2A
This product is a breakout board for TI’s DRV8825 stepper motor driver.  This stepper motor driver lets you control one bipolar stepper motor at up to 2.2 A output current per coil.
In Stock
Ships in 24 Hours

Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή, BIQU, 0.012kg, China, Stepper, Max. Current per Channel: 2A
TMC2208 V3.0 single-axis stepper motor drive chip, power tube built-in drive current 1.4A peak current 2A, voltage range 4.75V-36V, 256 subdivision with...
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