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Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger Shield

Brand new and better than ever, we've replaced our Adafruit GPS shield kit with this assembled shield that comes with an Ultimate GPS module.
Gross Weight: 0.05kg
Warranty: Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή
Company: Adafruit
Part Number: ADA1272
Made in: USA
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Brand new and better than ever, we've replaced our Adafruit GPS shield kit with this assembled shield that comes with an Ultimate GPS module. This GPS shield works great with either UNO or Leonardo Arduinos and is designed to log data to an SD card. Or you can leave the SD card out and use the GPS for a geocaching project, or maybe a music player that changes tunes depending on where you are in the city. 

  • -165 dBm sensitivity, 10 Hz updates, 66 channels
  • Low power module - only 20mA current draw, half of most GPS's
  • Assembled & tested shield for Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila/Leonardo (not for use with Mega/ADK/Due)
  • MicroSD card slot for datalogging onto a removable card
  • RTC battery included, for up to 7 years backup
  • Built-in datalogging to flash
  • PPS output on fix
  • >25Km altitude
  • Internal patch antenna + u.FL connector for external active antenna
  • Power, Pin #13 and Fix status LED
  • Big prototyping area
Each order comes with one assembled and tested shield, a stick of 0.1" male header and a 12mm coin cell. Some light soldering is required to attach the header to the shield in order to plug it into your Arduino. if you want to stack a shield on top, be sure to pick up a set of stacking headers to use instead. MicroSD card not included either, but we do stock them in the shop

If your project is going to be inside an enclosure, you'll love this shield as it has external antenna support. Simply connect an external active GPS antenna via a uFL/SMA cable to the shield and the module will automatically switch over to use the antenna. You can then place the antenna wherever you wish. 

We think this is the Ultimate GPS shield and we also think you'll agree! For more details, tutorials and example code check out our comprehensive tutorial.


Shield Type:
  • GPS
Δεν καλύπτεται με εγγύση απο τον Κατασκευαστή
Part Number:
  • GPS
Gross Weight:
Made in: