MKR Shields



Manufacturer (1)
Proto, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, TSX00001, 0.001kg
The prototyping shield designed for your MKR board!
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Relay, Proto, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, TSX00003, 0.001kg, China
The MKR Relay Proto Shield allows you to easily command relays with your MKR board. The shield provides two on board relays and a small prototyping area if you need to add some other component to your project.
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SD, Proto, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, TSX00004, 0.001kg, China
Add a SD slot and prototyping area in a single shield.
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Data, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, ASX00004, 0.001kg, Italy
Want to add serial communications to your device using the RS-485 protocol? The Arduino MKR 485 shield will provide the industrial connectivity you need.
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Data, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, ASX00005, 0.001kg, Italy
Need to connect a device to a CAN (Controller Area Network) for communication within an automobile and with other CAN devices? The Arduino MKR CAN shield will provide automotive CAN connectivity.
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Ethernet, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, ASX00006, 0.001kg, Italy

You may want to connect an Arduino MKR board with an Ethernet cable instead of using WiFi. An Ethernet connection can sometimes be stabler, faster, and more secure. To do this, plug in the Arduino MKR ETH shield.

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Proto, SD, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, ASX00008, 0.001kg, Italy
Are you developing a complex IoT device with your MKR board and running out of memory? Add Flash memory and microSD storage to your MKR board, and allow over-the-air updates, with the Arduino MKR MEM Shield.
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Sensor, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, ASX00007, 0.001kg, Italy
Want to connect several Seeed Studio Grove modules to your Arduino board? The Arduino MKR CONNECTOR CARRIER is the perfect companion for Arduino MKR boards and a Grove ecosystem.
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GPS, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, ASX00017, 0.01kg, Italy
The low power Global Navigation Satellite System receiver shield for your georeferenced projects.
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Motor, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, ASX00003, 0.001kg, Italy
Want to connect several motors and sensors to your mechatronic project? The Arduino MKR Motor Carrier is the perfect companion for Arduino MKR boards as it...
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Sensor, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, ASX00029, 0.001kg, Italy
The MKR ENV Shield allows a MKR board to acquire environmental data collected by an array of sensors. These sensors are of the latest generation and...
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Sensor, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, ASX00012, 0.02kg, Italy
Your solution for precise and extended range temperature measurements. The MKR THERM Shield allows a board of the MKR family to acquire temperatures...
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Display, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, ASX00010, 0.02kg, Italy
Write messages and add graphics with this shield. A ready to use library with examples and methods is available for use to easily write static and...
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Display, Sensor, 12 Months Manufacturer Warranty, Arduino, ABX00073, 0.001kg, Italy
The perfect tool for your next IoT project based on MKR boards. All in one carrier compatible with all the MKR family.
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